
General Terms and Conditions

Here you can see a 3D image of the Wörthersee stadium with the BIGAIR ski jump in the center.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. General provisions
  • The Big Air Klagenfurt is an event organized by BIG AIR Klagenfurt GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the "organizer".
  • By purchasing an admission ticket to the event, the purchaser accepts these General Terms and Conditions. The holder of an admission ticket who has not purchased his/her admission ticket via the ticket providers specified by the organizer or who has otherwise become the holder of an admission ticket accepts these General Terms and Conditions at the moment he/she takes possession of the admission ticket.
  • The event takes place outdoors in all weathers.
  • The instructions of the organizer's staff must be strictly followed. Failure to do so will result in removal from the premises without refund of the ticket price. The organizer reserves the right to take civil and criminal action.
  • The area consists of the following cordoned-off sections: Stadium and the associated event area. Access to the area or individual parts of the area is only possible with a valid admission ticket at the access times published for the respective category on the organizer's website.
  • The event visitor agrees to being recorded as part of the audience before, during and after the event in image, sound and video recordings. These recordings may be used and exploited commercially and without compensation by the organizer and/or third parties. He expressly and irrevocably waives the assertion of his personal rights in this regard.
  • Under 11s may only enter if accompanied by an adult. The organizer declines all responsibility and/or liability in the event of non-compliance.
  1. Program
  • The organizer has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the artists' performances. The same applies to the Freeski and Snowboard World Cups organized by the FIS or Ski Austria. The organizer assumes no liability in this regard.
  • The organizer reserves the right to change the content and/or the program of the event at any time and without prior notice.
  1. Noise emissions
  • There is a risk of possible hearing and health damage at concerts due to the volume. Earplugs are handed out at the entrances to and at special locations on the site.
  • The organizer declines all responsibility for any damage to hearing or health.
  1. Security
  • The organizer's security service will carry out security and admission checks at all official entrances to and along the site and for the entire duration of the event.
  • The security service carries out random bag checks and body searches in consultation / cooperation with the local police authorities.
  • The right to refuse or expel the event visitor from the area for good cause is reserved. If the event visitor is not at fault, the organizer may, at its own discretion, refund the purchase price of the admission ticket. Non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions constitutes good cause.
  1. Access to and behavior on the site
  • Traffic
    • Parking on the access roads to the site and on the site (excluding event parking spaces) is strictly prohibited.
    • Vehicles parked on the access roads or not in the event parking lot will be towed away without prior notice and at the owner's expense. The vehicle owner is liable for costs and must bear all expenses as soon as the towing service has been ordered.
    • Vehicles are parked at your own risk.
    • If possible, public transportation should be used.
  • Admission
    • Every person entering the area must have an admission ticket.
    • Entry without an admission ticket does not entitle the holder to make use of the organizer's services, in particular admission.
    • The admission ticket entitles the holder to enter the area for the duration stated on the ticket.
    • Lost admission tickets, free tickets or wristbands will not be replaced.
    • Persons who remain on the premises without an admission ticket will be expelled.
    • The organizer reserves the right to change the admission times without prior notice. The organizer accepts no liability for delays in admission.
  • Recordings
    • Image, sound, film and video recordings of the artists and athletes performing at the event are not permitted. Recordings for private use are generally permitted.
    • The commercial use and exploitation of image, sound, film and video recordings of the artists and athletes performing at the event, of event visitors or of the event infrastructure is prohibited.
    • Violations will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.
  • Further rules
    • Prohibited objects and animals in the area are:
      • Parasols, umbrellas and (flag) poles
      • All firearms, spraying, stabbing, striking and slashing weapons as well as other objects classified as dangerous, in particular pocket knives
      • Cameras with digital or analog SLR cameras with/without interchangeable lenses, film and video cameras and audio recording devices
      • Selfie and GoPro sticks etc.
      • Drones and other airworthy devices, with or without cameras
      • Rollerblades, skate and kickboards, skis, snowboards, snow and roller skates, bicycles, baby carriages, etc.
      • Glass
      • Pyrotechnic articles
      • Animals
    • A deposit of EUR 3.00 will be charged for each drink purchased on the site. The deposit will be refunded at all bars and drinks stands. Organized collection of deposits by individuals or organizations is prohibited without prior agreement with the organizer. In the event of non-compliance, such persons will be expelled from the area without refund of the ticket price.
    • Overnight stays on the site are generally prohibited.
    • No fires may be lit in the area.
  1. Admission tickets
  • Tickets can only be purchased from the ticket providers designated by the organizer.
  • No right of return or refund
    • Under no circumstances is there a right to return the ticket or a right to a refund of the purchase price of the ticket.
    • Event visitors also acknowledge that there may be changes to the lineup and/or World Cup of the event at any time, even at short notice, e.g. that the performance times of artists may be postponed or that an artist may not perform at all, that the start or end of the FIS Freeski or Snowboard World Cup may be postponed, that a World Cup may not be held at all or may have to be canceled, e.g. due to poor weather conditions or a race management decision, or that an athlete may not perform at all. These and similar circumstances also do not justify a right to return the admission ticket or a claim for reimbursement of the purchase price of the admission ticket.
  • Resale of tickets
    • The purchase of tickets for the purpose of resale is prohibited. The organizer shall carry out appropriate checks and may block and declare invalid tickets purchased for the purpose of resale. The organizer reserves the right to take civil and criminal action.
  • Conditions for the purchase of tickets
    • By purchasing an admission ticket, the visitor accepts the following conditions:
    • Immediately upon receipt of the ticket, the visitor must check that it is correct (in particular with regard to the event, date, number of tickets and price). Complaints about incorrect tickets can only be considered if they are made in writing (e.g. by e-mail) within three working days of receipt (e.g. with a ticket printout when booking online ("print at home" or "Print@Home tickets" or when sending a digital or mobile ticket).
    • Admission to the event is on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that if the same admission ticket is presented, the one that is presented first is the valid one. For this reason, visitors with Print@Home tickets and mobile tickets in particular are requested not to make their admission tickets accessible to other persons and to store them carefully in order to prevent misuse of these admission tickets by third parties. The admission ticket must be kept for the entire duration of the stay on the event grounds and presented at any time upon request by the organizer's staff.
    • If admission tickets are purchased in the form of Print@Home tickets, the visitor must ensure that these are printed out in a form that allows the barcode or QR code to be checked at admission control.
    • With regard to mobile tickets, the organizer recommends also bringing a printout of the ticket. The organizer cannot accept any liability for loss of data in the visitor's sphere (e.g. due to deletion or loss of the cell phone).
    • The visitor is not granted a right of withdrawal. It is therefore not possible to return tickets. Consumers are expressly advised that they are not entitled to a statutory right of withdrawal even if the ticket is purchased at a distance or outside of business premises (e.g. in an online store or by e-mail), as this is a service in connection with leisure activities (§ 18 para. 1 no. 10 FAGG).
    • There is no replacement in the event of card loss.
    • Alterations and copies of admission tickets are prohibited. Altered original admission tickets lose their validity. The admission ticket is invalid without the intended validation. The admission ticket loses its validity if the spectator leaves the event grounds during the event, unless the organizer has provided a procedure for re-entering the event grounds with the admission ticket (e.g. rescanning of the admission ticket, marking with a stamp or similar).
  1. Liability
  • To the extent permitted by law, any liability of the organizer for its own conduct and for the conduct of its auxiliary persons is excluded. In particular, the organizer and its auxiliary persons shall not be liable for bodily injury or financial loss caused to event visitors by third parties (e.g. stand operators).
  • The organizer is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Lost property will be handed in to the lost and found office in Klagenfurt after the event.
  1. Final provisions
  • If the event has to be canceled or postponed due to force majeure (e.g. war, death or illness of an artist or athlete, severe weather, catastrophes, unrest, threat, warning or act of terrorism, official ban, non-approval of the event through no fault of the FIS, Ski Austria and/or the race management, decision not to hold one or more World Cups, etc.), there is no entitlement to a return or refund of the ticket.If an event is canceled or postponed due to an official act, there is no right to a return of the ticket or a refund of the ticket price; the ticket can only be exchanged for a ticket for the next edition of the event. In exceptional cases, the organizer may decide at its own discretion and on a case-by-case basis whether to refund the purchase price of the ticket instead, minus a handling fee of 10% of the purchase price. There is no entitlement to this.
  • If the event has to be interrupted or canceled due to force majeure, there is no entitlement to a return of the admission ticket, a refund of the ticket purchase price or an exchange for the next edition of the event. Any temporary interruption of the event after the opening of the event (e.g. due to bad weather) is deemed to be an interruption of the event. Any interruption of the event after the opening of the event (e.g. due to an official ban) is deemed to be an interruption of the event.
  • Amendments to these General Terms and Conditions must be made in writing.
  • There are no collateral agreements.
  • The organizer reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted unless objected to within 30 days of publication.
  • These General Terms and Conditions shall be governed exclusively by Austrian law, excluding its conflict of law rules and the Vienna Sales Convention.
  • The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes shall be Klagenfurt, Austria.